User-visible changes across releases

This is a list of user-visible changes worth mentioning. In each new release, items are added to the top of the file and identify the version they pertain to.

GC3Pie 2.2.0

New features

  • New openstack backend for running jobs on ephemeral VMs on OpenStack-compatible IaaS cloud systems. This is preferred over the OpenStack EC2 compatibility layer.
  • New configurable scheduler for GC3Pie’s Engine
  • Session-based scripts can now snapshot the output of RUNNING jobs at every cycle.
  • ARC backends are now deprecated: they will be removed in the next major version of GC3Pie.
  • The pbs backend can now handle also Altair’s PBSPro.

Changes to command-line utilities

  • gget: New option -A to download output files of all tasks in a session.
  • gget: New option -c/--changed-only to only download files that have apparently changed remotely.
  • The GC3Apps collection has been enriched with several new applications.

Important bug fixes

  • Working directory for remote jobs using the shellcmd backend is now stored in /var/tmp instead of /tmp, which should allow results to be retrieved even after a reboot of the remote machine.

GC3Pie 2.1.0

New features and incompatible changes

  • GC3Pie now requires Python 2.6 or above to run.
  • New ec2 backend for running jobs on ephemeral VMs on EC2-compatible IaaS cloud systems.
  • New package gc3libs.optimizer to find local optima of functions that can be computed through a job. Currently only implements the “Differential Evolution” algorithm, but the framework is generic enough to plug any genetic algorithm.
  • New configuration options prolog_content and epilog_content, to allow execute oneliners before or after the command without having to create an auxiliary file.
  • New resourcedir option for shellcmd resources. This is used to modify the default value for the directory containing job informations.

Changes to command-line utilities

  • New command gcloud to interface with cloud-based VMs that were spawned by GC3Pie to run jobs.
  • Table output now uses a different formatting (we use Python’s prettytable package instead of the texttable package that we were using before, due to Py3 compatibility).

GC3Pie 2.0

New features and incompatible changes

  • GC3Pie can now run on MacOSX.
  • A session now has a configurable storage location, which can be a directory on the filesystem (FilesystemStore, the default so far) or can be a table in an SQL database (of any kind supported by SQLAlchemy).
  • New ARC1 backend to use ARC resources through the new NorduGrid 1.x library API.
  • New backend “subprocess”: execute applications as local processes.
  • New backends for running on various batch-queueing systems: SLURM, LSF, PBS.
  • Implement recursive upload and download of directories if they are specified in an Application‘s input or output attribute.
  • New execution state TERMINATING: task objects are in this state when execution is finished remotely, but the task output has not yet been retrieved.
  • Reorganize documentation and move it to
  • Script logging is now controlled by a single configuration file .gc3/gc3utils.log.conf
  • Session-based scripts now print WARNING messages to STDERR by default (previously, only ERROR messages were logged).
  • Add caching to ARC backends, to reduce the number of network queries.
  • Use GNU ”.~NUMBER~” format for backup directories.

Configuration file changes

  • Rename ARC0 resource type to arc0

Changes to command-line utilities

  • New gsession command to manage sessions.
  • The glist command was renamed to gservers
  • The gsub and gnotify commands were removed.
  • The PATH tag no longer gets any special treatment in session-based scripts --output processing.
  • ginfo: New option --tabular to print information in table format.
  • gkill: New option -A/–all to remove all jobs in a session.
  • Use the rungms script to execute GAMESS.

API changes

  • Module gc3libs.dag has been renamed to gc3libs.workflow.
  • API changes in gc3libs.cmdline.SessionBasedScript allow new_tasks() in SessionBasedScript instances to return Task instances instead of quadruples.
  • Interpret Application.requested_memory as the total memory for the job.
  • the Resource and LRMS objects were merged
  • the gc3libs.scheduler module has been removed; its functionality is now incorporated in the Application class.
  • configuration-related code moved into gc3libs.config module
  • removed the application registry.
  • New package gc3libs.compat to provide 3rd-party functionality that is not present in all supported versions of Python.
  • Implement gc3libs.ANY_OUTPUT to retrieve the full contents of the output directory, whatever it is.
  • New RetryableTask class to wrap a task and re-submit it on failure until some specified condition is met.

GC3Pie 1.0

Configuration file changes

  • Renamed configuration file to gc3pie.conf: the file gc3utils.conf will no longer be read!
  • SGE clusters must now have type = sge in the configuration file (instead of type = ssh-sge)
  • All computational resource must have an architecture = ... line; see the ConfigurationFile wiki page for details
  • Probably more changes than it’s worth to list here: check your configuration against the configuration_ page!

Command-line utilities changes

  • GC3Utils and GC3Apps (grosetta/ggamess/etc.) now all accept a -s/--session option for locating the job storage directory: this allows grouping jobs into folders instead of shoveling them all into ~/.gc3/jobs.
  • GC3Apps: replaced option -t/--table with -l/--states. The new option prints a table of submitted jobs in addition to the summary stats; if a comma-separated list of job states follows the option, only job in those states are printed.
  • Command gstat will now print a summary of the job states if the list is too long to fit on screen; use the -v option to get the full job listing regardless of its length.
  • Command gstat can now print information on jobs in a certain state only; see help text for option --state
  • Removed -l option from ginfo; use -v instead.
  • GC3Utils: all commands accepting multiple job IDs on the command line, now exit with the number of errors/failures occurred. Since exit codes are practically limited to 7 bits, exit code 126 means that more than 125 failures happened.

GC3Pie 0.10

  • First release for public use outside of GC3