Environment Variables

The following environmental variables affect GC3Pie operations.


Path to an alternate configuration file, that is read upon initialization of GC3Pie. If defined, this file is read instead of the default $HOME/.gc3/gc3pie.conf; if undefined or empty, the usual configuration file is loaded.

If this variable is defined, the logging configuration file is looked for in the same directory as the gc3pie.conf file, falling back to $HOME/.gc3/gc3pie.log.conf if not found there.


Path to the a shared state file, used for recording the “next available” job ID number. By default, it is located at ~/.gc3/next_id.txt:file:.


Comma-separated list of unexpected/generic error patterns upon which GC3Pie will not act (by default, ignoring them). Each of these “unignored” errors will be propagated all the way up to top-level. This facilitates running GC3Pie scripts in a debugger and inspecting the code when some unexpected error condition happens.

You can specify which errors to “unignore” by:

  • Error class name (e.g., InputFileError). Note that this must be the exact class name of the error: GC3Pie will not walk the error class hierarchy for matches.
  • Function/class/module name: all errors handled in the specified function/class/module will be propagated to the caller.
  • Additional keywords describing the error. Please have a look at the source code for these keywords.


If this environmental variable is set to yes or 1, GC3Pie will abort operations immediately if a configured resource cannot be initialized. The default behavior is instead to ignore initialization errors and only abort if no resources can be initialized.