Configuration File


All commands in The GC3Apps software and The GC3Utils software read two configuration files at startup:

  • system-wide one located at :file:/etc/gc3/gc3pie.conf, and
  • a user-private one at :file:~/.gc3/gc3pie.conf.

Both files use the same format. The system-wide one is read first, so that users can override the system-level configuration in their private file. Configuration data from corresponding sections in the two configuration files is merged; the value in the user-private file overrides the one from the system-wide configuration.

If you try to start any GC3Utils command without having a configuration file, a sample one will be copied to the user-private location :file:~/.gc3/gc3pie.conf and an error message will be displayed, directing you to edit the sample file before retrying.

Configuration file format

The GC3Pie configuration file follows the format understood by Python ConfigParser, which is very close to the syntax used in MS-Windows .INI files. See for reference.

The GC3Libs configuration file consists of several configuration blocks. Each configuration block (section) starts with a keyword in square brackets and contains the configuration options for a specific part.

The following sections are used by the GC3Apps/GC3Utils programs:

  • [DEFAULT] – this is for global settings.
  • [auth/name] – these are for settings related to identity/authentication (identifying yourself to clusters & grids).
  • [resource/name] – these are for settings related to a specific computing resource (cluster, grid, etc.)

Sections with other names are allowed but will be ignored.

The DEFAULT section

The [DEFAULT] section is optional.

Values defined in the [DEFAULT] section can be used to insert values in other sections, using the %(name)s syntax. See documentation of the Python SafeConfigParser object at for an example.

auth sections

There can be more than one [auth] section.

Each authentication section must begin with a line of the form:


where the name portion is any alphanumeric string.

You can have as many [auth/name] sections as you want; any name is allowed provided it’s composed only of letters, numbers and the underscore character _.

This allows you to define different auth methods for different resources. Each [resource/name] section will reference one (and one only) authentication section.

Authentication types

Each auth section must specify a type setting.

type defines the authentication type that will be used to access a resource. There are three supported authentication types:

  • ssh; use this for resources that will be accessed by opening an SSH connection to the front-end node of a cluster.
  • voms-proxy: uses voms-proxy-init to generate a proxy; use for resources that require a VOMS-enabled Grid proxy.
  • grid-proxy: uses grid-proxy-init to generate a proxy; use for resources that require a Grid proxy (but no VOMS extensions).

For the ssh-type auth, the following keys must be provided:

  • type: must be ssh
  • username: must be the username to log in as on the remote machine

Any other key/value pair will be ignored.

For the voms-proxy type auth, the following keys must be provided:

  • type: must be voms-proxy
  • vo: the VO to authenticate with (passed directly to voms-proxy-init as argument to the --vo command-line switch)
  • cert_renewal_method: see below.
  • remember_password: see below.

Any other key/value pair will be ignored.

For the grid-proxy type auth, the following keys must be provided:

  • type: must be grid-proxy
  • cert_renewal_method: see below.
  • remember_password: see below.

Any other key/value pair will be ignored.

For the voms-proxy and grid-proxy authentication types, the cert_renewal_method setting specifies whether GC3Libs should attempt to get a certificate if the current one is expired or otherwise invalid. Currently there are two supported cert_renewal_method types:

  • slcs: user certificate is generated through an invocation of the slcs-init:command: program.
  • manual: user certificate is generated/renewed though an external process and has to be performed by the user outside of the scope of GC3Pie. In this case, if the user certificate is expired, invalid or non-existent, GC3Pie will fail to authenticate.

For the slcs certificate renewal method, the following keys must be provided:

  • aai_username: passed directly to slcs-init as argument to the --user command-line switch.
  • idp: passed directly to slcs-init as argument to the --idp command-line switch.

For the manual certificate renewal method, no additional keys are required.

The remember_password entry (optional) must be set to a boolean value (the strings 1`, ``yes, true and on are interpreted as boolean “true”; any other value counts as “false”). If set to a true value, the remember_password entry instructs GC3Pie to keep the password used for this authentication in the program’s main memory; this implies that you will be asked for the password at most once per program invocation. This setting is optional, and defaults to “false”. Keeping passwords in memory is bad security practice; do not set this option to “true” unless you understand the implications.

Example 1. The following example auth section shows how to configure GC3Pie for using SWITCHaai SLCS services to generate a certificate and a VOMS proxy to access the Swiss National Distributed Computing Infrastructure SMSCG:

type = voms-proxy
cert_renewal_method = slcs
aai_username = <aai_user_name> # SWITCHaai/Shibboleth user name
vo = smscg

Example 2. The following configuration sections are used to set up two different accounts, that GC3Pie programs can use. Which account should be used on which computational resource is defined in the resource sections (see below).

type = ssh
username = murri # your username here

[auth/ssh2] # I use a different account name on some resources
type = ssh
username = rmurri

resource sections

Each resource section must begin with a line of the form:


You can have as many [resource/name] sections as you want; this allows you to define many different resources. Each [resource/name] section must reference one (and one only) [auth/name] section (by its auth key).

Resources currently come in several flavours, distinguished by the value of the type key:

  • If type is arc1, then the resource is accessed using the ARC grid middleware (version 1.1.x/1.0.x);
  • If type is arc0, then the resource is accessed using the ARC grid middleware (version 0.8.x);
  • If type is sge, then the resource is a Grid Engine batch system, to be accessed by an SSH connection to its front-end node.
  • If type is pbs, then the resource is a Torque/PBS batch system, to be accessed by an SSH connection to its front-end node.
  • If type is lsf, then the resource is a LSF batch system, to be accessed by an SSH connection to its front-end node.
  • If type is slurm, then the resource is a SLURM batch system, to be accessed by an SSH connection to its front-end node.
  • If type is shellcmd, then the resource is the computer where the GC3Pie script is running and applications are executed by just spawning a local UNIX process.

All [resource/name] sections (except those of shellcmd type) must reference a valid auth/*** section. Resources of sge, pbs, lsf and slurm type can only reference :command:ssh type sections.; resources of type arc0 or arc1 can only reference [auth/***] sections whose type is voms-proxy or grid-proxy.

Some configuration keys are commmon to all resource types:

  • type: Resource type, see above.

  • auth: the name of a valid [auth/name] section; only the authentication section name (after the /) must be specified.

  • max_cores_per_job: Maximum number of CPU cores that a job can request; a resource will be dropped during the brokering process if a job requests more cores than this.

  • max_memory_per_core: Max amount of memory (expressed in GBs) that a job can request.

  • max_walltime: Maximum job running time (in hours).

  • max_cores: Total number of cores provided by the resource.

  • architecture: Processor architecture. Should be one of the strings x86_64 (for 64-bit Intel/AMD/VIA processors), i686 (for 32-bit Intel/AMD/VIA x86 processors), or x86_64,i686 if both architectures are available on the resource.

  • time_cmd: Used only when type is shellcmd. The time program is used as wrapper for the application in order to collect informations about the execution when running without a real LRMS.

  • prologue: Used only when type is pbs, lsf,

    slurm or sge. The content of the prologue script will be inserted into the submission script and it’s executed before the real application. It is intended to execute some shell commands needed to setup the execution environment before running the application (e.g. running a module load ... command). The script must be a valid, plain /bin/sh script.

  • epilogue: Used only when type is pbs, lsf,

    slurm or sge. The content of the epilogue script will be inserted into the submission script and it’s executed after the real application. The script must be a valid, plain /bin/sh script.

  • <application_name>_prologue: Same as prologue, but it is used only when <application_name> matches the name of the application. Valid application names are: zods, gamess, turbomole, codeml, rosetta, rosetta_docking, geotop,

  • <application_name>_epilogue: Same as epilogue, but it is used only when <application_name> matches the name of the application. Valid application names are: zods, gamess, turbomole, codeml, rosetta, rosetta_docking, geotop,

arc0 resources

The arc_ldap key should be set to the LDAP URL of an ARC GIIS or GRIS. If, in addition, the frontend key is also defined, then only queues belonging to the specified frontend will be considered for brokering.

When a job has just been submitted, the ARC information system does not immediately report about it: the job will appear at the next cache update. This creates a time window during which no information is reported about the job by ARC, as if it never existed. In order not to mistake this for a “job lost” error, GC3Libs allow a “grace time”: job information lookups are allowed to fail for a certain time span after submission. The duration of this time span is set with the optional lost_job_timeout parameter, whose default is 4 times the ARC default cache time; this parameter should not be lower than twice the information system update frequency.

  • lost_job_timeout: Time (in seconds) a failure in job lookup in the information system will not be considered critical

arc1 resources

The arc_ldap key should be defined to a valid ARC1 information system URL.

When a job has just been submitted, the ARC information system does not immediately report about it: the job will appear at the next cache update. This creates a time window during which no information is reported about the job by ARC, as if it never existed. In order not to mistake this for a “job lost” error, GC3Libs allow a “grace time”: job information lookups are allowed to fail for a certain time span after submission. The duration of this time span is set with the optional lost_job_timeout parameter, whose default is 4 times the ARC default cache time; this parameter should not be lower than twice the information system update frequency.

  • lost_job_timeout: Time (in seconds) a failure in job lookup in the information system will not be considered critical

sge resources

The following configuration keys are required in a sge-type resource section:

  • frontend: should contain the FQDN of the SGE front-end node. An SSH connection will be attempted to this node, in order to submit jobs and retrieve status info.
  • transport: Possible values are: ssh or local. If ssh, we try to connect to the host specified in frontend via SSH in order to execute SGE commands. If local, the SGE commands are run directly on the machine where GC3Pie is installed.

To submit parallel jobs to SGE, a “parallel environment” name must be specified. You can specify the PE to be used with a specific application using a configuration parameter application name + _pe (e.g., gamess_pe, zods_pe); the default_pe parameter dictates the parallel environment to use if no application-specific one is defined. If neither the application-specific, nor the ``default_pe`` parallel environments are defined, then it will not be possible to submit parallel jobs.

When a job has finished, the SGE batch system does not (by default) immediately write its information into the accounting database. This creates a time window during which no information is reported about the job by SGE, as if it never existed. In order not to mistake this for a “job lost” error, GC3Libs allow a “grace time”: qacct job information lookups are allowed to fail for a certain time span after the first time qstat failed. The duration of this time span is set with the sge_accounting_delay parameter, whose default is 15 seconds (matches the default in SGE, as of release 6.2):

  • sge_accounting_delay: Time (in seconds) a failure in qacct will not be considered critical.

pbs resources

The following configuration keys are required in a pbs-type resource section:

  • transport: Possible values are: ssh or local. If ssh, we try to connect to the host specified in frontend via SSH in order to execute Troque/PBS commands. If local, the Torque/PBS commands are run directly on the machine where GC3Pie is installed.
  • frontend: should contain the FQDN of the Torque/PBS front-end node. This configuration item is only relevant if transport is local. An SSH connection will be attempted to this node, in order to submit jobs and retrieve status info.

lsf resources

The following configuration keys are required in a lsf-type resource section:

  • transport: Possible values are: ssh or local. If ssh, we try to connect to the host specified in frontend via SSH in order to execute LSF commands. If local, the LSF commands are run directly on the machine where GC3Pie is installed.
  • frontend: should contain the FQDN of the LSF front-end node. This configuration item is only relevant if transport is local. An SSH connection will be attempted to this node, in order to submit jobs and retrieve status info.

slurm resources

The following configuration keys are required in a slurm-type resource section:

  • transport: Possible values are: ssh or local. If ssh, we try to connect to the host specified in frontend via SSH in order to execute SLURM commands. If local, the SLURM commands are run directly on the machine where GC3Pie is installed.
  • frontend: should contain the FQDN of the SLURM front-end node. This configuration item is only relevant if transport is local. An SSH connection will be attempted to this node, in order to submit jobs and retrieve status info.

Example resource sections

Example 1. This configuration stanza defines a resource smscg representing the whole SMSCG infrastructure, accessed through the ARC (version 0.8.x) middleware:

# A whole ARC-based Grid
type = arc0
auth = <voms_auth_name>
arc_ldap = ldap://
# These values are correct as of 2011-02-28; please
# ask on the SMSCG mailing list if unsure.
max_cores_per_job = 256
max_memory_per_core = 3
max_walltime = 9999
ncores = 1200
architecture = x86_64, i686

Example 2. This configuration stanza shows how to access a single cluster through the ARC middleware (version 1.x) using the name idgc3grid01 (which is also the internet host name of the cluster front-end):

# A single cluster, accessed through the ARC middleware
type = arc
auth = <auth_name> # pick a ``voms`` type auth
frontend =
name = gc3
arc_ldap = ldap://,o=grid
max_cores_per_job = 32
max_memory_per_core = 2
max_walltime = 12
ncores = 80

Example 3. This configuration stanza defines a resource to submit jobs to the Grid Engine cluster whose front-end host is

# A single SGE cluster, accessed by SSH'ing to the front-end node
type = sge
auth = <auth_name> # pick an ``ssh`` type auth, e.g., "ssh1"
transport = ssh
frontend =
gamess_location = /share/apps/gamess
max_cores_per_job = 80
max_memory_per_core = 2
max_walltime = 2
ncores = 80

Enabling/disabling selected resources

Any resource can be disabled by adding a line enabled = false to its configuration stanza. Conversely, a line enabled = true will undo the effect of an enabled = false line (possibly found in a different configuration file).

This way, resources can be temporarily disabled (e.g., the cluster is down for maintenance) without having to remove them from the configuration file.

You can selectively disable or enable resources that are defined in the system-wide configuration file. Two main use cases are supported: the system-wide configuration file :file:/etc/gc3/gc3pie.conf lists and enables all available resources, and users can turn them off in their private configuration file :file:~/.gc3/gc3pie.conf; or the system-wide configuration can list all available resources but keep them disabled, and users can enable those they prefer in the private configuration file.